With the situation surrounding COVID-19 continuing to develop, we are conscious of the impact and challenges that you may face with your daily operations. As a valued client and loyal member of the GPOT community, we wanted to share our efforts related to the COVID-19 and reassure you that you have our full support throughout these trying times.
General Petroleum Oil Tools is open for business. Our Management Team is continually monitoring the events associated with the COVID-19 crisis to ensure we are best prepared to navigate future challenges we and our clients might face. Be reassured that our teams are collaborating daily to assess the changes in situation and are evaluating our practices to adapt where possible for our customers.
We will be making every effort to ensure the health and wellbeing of our team, clients and communities. Our emergency planning has involved evaluating preventative measures and ways of managing the safety, health and wellbeing of everybody while referring to government and expert guidance, including ensuring all employees are self-reporting any recent overseas travel and complying with government enforced self isolation and social distancing guidelines. All non-essential business travel has been suspended temporarily by General Petroleum Oil Tools.
We will be working with our supply chains and networks to continue to be fully operational. However, the implementation of numerous government restrictions and control measures is expected to have a significant effect on the delivery of our products. We are proud of the strong relationships we have built with our suppliers and service providers and understand that this places challenges on businesses at every level and we trust and support their need to inevitably pass on some rate increases.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work our way through this unprecedented crisis while supporting our valued customers, relationships and business partners throughout the supply chain.
General Petroleum Oil Tools is still focused on delivering superior customer service which we have done for over 20 years. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance with anything you may need.
Sam Cavallaro
Managing Director
General Petroleum Oil Tools